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GEAR UP Alliance Institute for a College-Going Culture: Driving the Dream

Friday March 5, 2010



New this year: 4 strands – for teachers, principals and counselors, parents, and students!



Plus: Keynote Speaker Dr. Mitchell Livingston from U of Cincinnati; Table Talks; Student Performances and Honor Ceremony



        Participate in Interactive Sessions focused on:

·         Use of technology to infuse rigor and support learning:

o    Mathematics and technology

o    Science and Technology

o    Social studies and Technology

o    Language Arts and Technology

o    Libraries, Literacy and Technology

o    Hybrid Algebra Instruction

·         Use of classroom assessment and EPAS data

·         Parent engagement in academic planning

·         Opening advanced Programs to all students

·         Use of Newspapers in Education


Principals and Counselors 

Participate in a Leadership Strand focused on:

·         The importance of postsecondary education

·         The Anatomy of a drop-out

·         The Forgotten Middle: Preparing all students for college

·         SB 1 and alignment with College Readiness Standards

·         Resources for promoting a college-going culture

·         Join teachers for last set of break-out sessions



Participate in Interactive Sessions focused on:

·         Parents’ hopes and aspirations for their children

·         Nurturing students’ dreams of college

·         Building a sense of community around college-going

·         Engaging other parents in college planning




                          Participate in active learning: 


·         Morning drama workshop to develop and practice Driving the

                        Dream performances regarding their aspirations

·         Lunchtime performances

·         Small group discussions related to college going

·         Honor ceremony where students receive a stole for graduation



On-Line Registration will start in January




Watch for more information from your

GEAR UP contact







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